Earth Week 2020: Focus on climate change

Earth Week 2020

April 20: focus on climate change

At their regular meeting on November 25, 2019, Esquimalt Council unanimously endorsed the proposed target to reduce corporate emissions by 45 per cent and committed Esquimalt to becoming a 100 per cent renewable energy community by 2050.

What does that mean?

To reach the 2050 target, we are working on The Esquimalt Community Climate Mitigation Plan. This plan will carve a path towards a low carbon future: one where Esquimalt residents experience the benefits of a connected, healthy and economically prosperous community, while taking action on climate change.

The plan identifies actions to reduce community emissions from three primary
sources, and considers 6 target areas:

  1. Shift beyond the car: active transportation
  2. Electrify passenger transportation
  3. Decarbonize commercial transportation
  4. Step up new buildings: enhancing energy efficiency and low carbon heating in new buildings
  5. Decarbonize existing buildings through supporting deep retrofits
  6. Close the loop on waste: divert organics and capture value from waste

Esquimalt has hired Community Energy Association(CEA) to help assist us with our climate action plan. This project will be ongoing throughout 2020.

Next Monday, April 27, CEA will present a set of potential climate emergency response actions for the Township at the 7 p.m. regular council meeting. You can watch the meeting live online.

Next steps 

This stage is part of the overall Climate Action Plan process.

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