Esquimalt is a great place to live, work, play, and invest and has lots of opportunities for business owners and small and large-scale development.
In this section you can find information about:
- Business licences
- Bids and tenders with the municipality
- Applications and permits
- Building regulations and permits
- Development procedures and permits
- Esquimalt's Economic Development Strategy
- Esquimalt’s Official Community Plan
- Professional Associations and Memberships
- Property zoning map (static) or interactive map
- Property information (by address) interactive map
- Tourism
New businesses can easily obtain a list of the required permits and licenses from all three levels of government through the BizPaL web-based application; however, an Esquimalt Business Licence application must still be completed.
Visit the Esquimalt Chamber of Commerce for other resources for businesses, visitors, and residents.
Find information about Esquimalt's history, geography, demographics, corporate values, and official symbols in Esquimalt's Community Profile.
Find Development Services contacts.