Active Transportation Planning

Looking at improvements on how you and your family travel in Esquimalt

Esquimalt’s Active Transportation Network Plan (ATNP) was approved by council in 2022 . 

Since then, staff have been implementing projects identified in the plan in a phased approach. 

About the Active Transportation Network Plan

The township launched a multi-phase engagement campaign to hear how residents want to see multi-modal transportation in Esquimalt take shape.

The plan:

  • identifies gaps in the pedestrian and cycling network;
  • recommends improvements to the quality and experience for people walking, biking and rolling;
  • provides a roadmap for high priority improvements over the next 5–10 years;  
  • aims to increase the share of trips completed by active transportation and to more broadly reach the greenhouse gas (GHG) targets set out in the Official Community Plan.  

Council approved the plan and directed staff to bring forward initiatives for Council consideration that include budget and capacity implications during the 2022 budget planning process. This made-in-Esquimalt plan is driven by best practices and the latest design guides to reflect the needs, interests & priorities of the community.