identifies gaps in the pedestrian and cycling network;
recommends improvements to the quality and experience for people walking, biking and rolling;
provides a roadmap for high priority improvements over the next 5–10 years;
aims to increase the share of trips completed by active transportation and to more broadly reach the greenhouse gas (GHG) targets set out in the Official Community Plan.
Council approved the plan and directed staff to bring forward initiatives for Council consideration that include budget and capacity implications during the 2022 budget planning process. This made-in-Esquimalt plan is driven by best practices and the latest design guides to reflect the needs, interests & priorities of the community.
The next upcoming project as part of the ATNP includes work along Esquimalt Road.
Project overview
Protected quick-build bike lanes on Esquimalt Road between Dominion and Canteen roads to be completed in two phases:
Phase 1: Dominion to Lampson Street
Phase 2: Canteen to Lampson Street
Expected changes
Protected bike lanes
Dunsmuir/Esquimalt Road active transportation improvements to support pedestrian/bike crossing
Pedestrian crossing improvements at strategic locations
Reduced travel lanes from 4 to 2 west of Admirals Road with a centre turn lane west of Admirals
Optimized traffic signals to ensure better traffic flow
Rehabilitating underground utilities
Improving road surfacing
Parking removals
While some parking spots will be removed along Esquimalt Road, staff will review side streets as part of detailed design to support accessible/commercial parking near commercial nodes.
What’s not expected to change
Maintaining one lane of travel in each direction and turning movements at intersections
Existing centre turn lanes and planted median islands
Existing curb and sidewalk locations, except at select intersections
No change to bus stop form or function
Phase I timeline:
Esquimalt Road Active Transportation Improvements Phase 1 – Dominion to Lampson
Conceptual design underway
Design refinement engagement - 2024
What We Heard Report presented to Council - 2024
Detailed design - 2024
Construction - 2024/2025
What to expect as part of the design refinement engagement later in 2024:
Staff will reach out to the public to review the design and seek input on form and character to provide feedback on:
Alignment with ATNP goals and vision
Perceived safety and comfort of the proposed design
Where additional changes are needed
Parking compositions / accommodations on side streets
Any other comments
Phase II timeline
Esquimalt Road Active Transportation Improvements Phase 2 – Canteen to Lampson
Conceptual design - 2024
Design refinement engagement - 2024
What We Heard Report presented to Council - 2024
Detailed design – 2024/2025
Construction - 2025
Speed signs around the township are changing to reflect recent updates to speed limits in Esquimalt. Council passed a bylaw to reduce speed limits earlier this year: major roads in Esquimalt are now 40km/hr and all other roads are 30km/hr with few exceptions.
The township’s municipal-wide approach means that all streets are either 40 or 30km/hr and provide a consistent application of speeds in the community.
Lowered speed limits also dovetail with other active transportation network improvements completed over the past year, such as an extended network of protected bike lanes, improved pedestrian crossings and new sidewalks.
The township has proposed design improvements for both Lampson and Tillicum streets. Using feedback based on our Active Transportation Network Plan public engagement as well as previous surveys, these draft designs aim to enhance road safety for cyclists and pedestrians.
Before moving forward to finalize designs, the township wanted to showcase the plan’s features then hear feedback from residents and businesses on these proposed changes.
CRD's Ready Step Roll Sustainable School Commute Planning initiative helps enable school communities to use active and sustainable transportation to/from school more often by reducing barriers in accessibility, safety, convenience and comfort.