
Township of Esquimalt Donation Program

Celebrating a special occasion or honouring someone with a dedicated park bench, picnic table or tree, supports the enhancement of Township parks.

For more information please contact Parks Admin Support at 250-412-8508 or [email protected]

Donation Fees 

  • Bench - $4,000, includes the cost of the bench, an engraved plaque, installation, maintenance and repair for 20 years.
  • Picnic table - $4,000, includes the cost of the picnic table, an engraved plaque, installation, maintenance and repair for 20 years.    
  • Benches and picnic tables with water or elevated views - $6,000, includes the cost of the picnic table or bench, an engraved plaque, installation, maintenance and repair for 20 years.
  • Tree donation - $800. This price includes the purchase of the tree, installation, and routine maintenance for a 10-year period. Tree donations do not garner an engraved plaque.
  • Existing benches / picnic tables that are currently not dedicated - $3000, includes the addition of an engraved plaque and 20 years of maintenance.
Donation application


  • The Township shall have final approval of the tree type and planting location. All requests for special tree species/varieties shall be accommodated, whenever possible. Higher costs incurred by these requests shall be covered by the donor. Planting of trees and shrubs may be delayed until an appropriate time of the year for a better chance of survival.
  • The cost of the purchase, installation and maintenance of the donation shall be covered by the donor.
  • The Township will include the donated park asset in its normal schedule of care or maintenance.
  • Donors will have an opportunity to continue their sponsorship after the 20-year donation period by paying an additional cost.  It will be the responsibility of the donor to keep their contact information current with the Township of Esquimalt for further discussion around the sponsorship and it's extension.  Existing donors are given a life span term from the date of implementation of the Donations Policy.
  • Donations must contribute to public enjoyment of parks, and not interfere with the accessibility or use of the park by any member of the public.
  • The "look and feel" of donations, and how they are used, should not detract from the existing theme or use of a park area. For example, a metal bench on a concrete pad doesn't look like it belongs in an undeveloped forest area.
  • Parks Division staff needs to be able to continue their regular maintenance of park areas, therefore a donation shouldn't interfere with those activities.
  • The donation will become Township property. You are donating monetary funds that will contribute to the public enjoyment of parks. Staff reserves the right to relocate or remove the donation whenever necessary. All reasonable effort will be made to notify the donor if their donation is affected.
  • Placement of memorial wreaths, flowers or other items or any modifications to the donation item will not be permitted.
  • The identity of donors becomes a public record.
  • The donation is tax deductible and an official tax receipt will be issued to the donor by the Township of Esquimalt.

Plaque Information 

  • Donated benches and picnic tables will be fitted with a 3” x 9” bronzed plaque, inscribed with a message of 3 to 4 lines with up to 70 characters, including spaces on each line.
  • Wording for plaques on donated assets should have a positive tone. Donors are encouraged to choose messages that are uplifting, inspirational or promote enjoyment of the park area in which the asset is located.
  • Messages of a private nature and acronyms are not permitted, as they may be wrongly interpreted by members of the public. You'll receive a proof of your inscribed message. This is a printed version of how it will look when it is installed
  • It's your responsibility to approve the proof and send it back to the Parks Manager.
  • Please allow 15 - 18 weeks for the donation to be installed.