To prepare for winter rainstorms home owners are advised to check gutters, downspouts, and perimeter drains around the house to ensure everything is working properly.
- Clear all leaves and debris from gutters and downspouts. Ensure that they remain clear through the winter.
- Have your drain system cleaned and repaired if necessary. Remember, drain tiles can plug over time with mud, silt, or roots, and in some cases, may even fail due to age.
- Ensure that surface drains (which may be located at the bottom of driveways and stairwells) are clear of mud and debris and remain clear through the winter.
- During periods of heavy rain and flooding risk, the township may provide bags and sand for residents to use. Call 250-414-7108 for more information or check on
The municipality will make every effort to keep roadside catch basins clear. Residents are requested to help by not depositing or allowing the accumulation of leaves in curbs or gutters.
- Download our insurance informational brochure for any claims questions
- Learn about the Municipal Insurance Association of BC