Resource Library

The OCP Review Resource Library was developed to provide members of the public with an online portal to find articles and reports related to community planning.

While only a handful of the listed reports pertain to the Township of Esquimalt directly, additional resources were selected and listed in the following order of relevance: capital region, British Columbia, and best practices in Canada, North America and globally.

Articles and reports are available under three different categories: general resources (below); required OCP policies (link); and optional OCP policies (link).

General Resources

Esquimalt Official Community Plan - adopted 2007  (web
Government of British Columbia - Official Community Plans (web)

Required Policies

Development - commercial, industrial and institutional
Development - residential
Greenhouse Gas Emissions - energy and climate change
Infrastructure - water, sewer and storm water
Natural Environment 

Click here to view articles and reports related to required OCP policies.

Optional Policies

Arts, Culture & Heritage
Community Health & Safety 
Economic Development
Regional Context Statement
Resilient Community
Urban Agriculture and Food Security

Click here to view articles and reports related to optional OCP policies.

For more information, please contact: 
Bill Brown, Director of Development Services
Tel: 250-414-7146