Construction scheduled for township new public safety building


Esquimalt, B.C.—The Township of Esquimalt has awarded the construction contract of the Public Safety Building to Knappett Projects Inc.

Amidst rising construction costs, the township reduced the scope of the building in summer of 2023 to keep the building’s costs in line with the budget. The refreshed design went to tender this past March and the construction contract was awarded last week.

“We are thrilled to be breaking ground,” said Esquimalt Mayor Barbara Desjardins. “The community deserves a modern public safety building and I know it has taken a lot of hard work to get us to this important step.” 

The three-storey building at 500 Park Place will provide a new home for Esquimalt Fire Rescue Services, Emergency Operations Center (EOC) and space for Capital Regional District offices. The main entrance will be on Park Place which will see pedestrian-friendly improvements to match the Town Square Development. 

The four-bay fire apparatus apron will be in the same location as the old firehall facing Carlisle Street with vehicles following traditional paths through the Township. There will be features for Esquimalt Fire Rescue such as a dedicated decontamination area, high-angle training tower and classroom space. 

Currently the Esquimalt Council Chambers is the municipality’s default Emergency Operations Centre. The new building will provide an EOC with modern functional spaces tor emergency preparedness and response.

The total budget estimate for the project is $48 million. The budget includes numerous costs associated with the work besides the final building cost, including demolition and abatement of the old public safety building; renovating the interim police facilities; and building the temporary fire hall. Roughly one-third of the costs of the project address needs other than construction.

Construction will start on May 27. The public safety building is targeted for completion in fall 2026.

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Correction: the original release quoted a 2021 budget of $42.2M. The current budget (established in 2022) is $48.2M.
Esquimalt Public Safety Building entry design concept
Esquimalt Public Safety Building entry design concept
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Esquimalt Public Safety Building lobby design concept
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